Nick Dominello to Present at 2021 Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials (“MASBO”) at their December Bi-Monthly Meeting

On Thursday, December 9, 2021 Nick will present at the MASBO Bi-Monthly Meeting in Milford.  Nick will be discussing how to use collective bargaining to increase student achievement.

Liz Valerio and Nick Dominello Presented at 2021 Massachusetts Association of School Committees (“MASC”) and Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (“MASS”) Annual Joint Conference

On Thursday, November 4, 2021 Liz and Nick presented at the MASC/MASS Annual Joint Conference in Hyannis.  Liz and Nick discussed trends in collective bargaining and COVID related concerns including vaccine rollout, remote learning options in the future and ongoing expectations for families and staff.

The First Circuit Court of Appeals Holds That “Off Campus” Cyberbullying by Students can be a Basis for Discipline without Violating the First Amendment or the Massachusetts Student Speech Statute

This past June the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision regarding student speech rights in the digital age. In Mahanoy Area Sch. District v. B.L., No. 20-255 (2021), the Court applied the half-century-old decision in Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Community Sch. District, 393 US 503 (1969), which governs student speech rights under the First Amendment, to student speech that occurs “off campus”/remotely by using modern electronic technology/social media. The Court held that schools have “less leeway” to regulate such speech than they do regarding speech that takes place in the school or during school programs. The Court therefore ruled that the school district had violated a student’s rights under Tinker when it suspended her for a post on Snapchat which took place at a remote location, did not target any specific students or school staff, and was limited to a vulgarity-laced rant about the school’s cheerleading program. In its opinion, however, the Mahanoy Court left “for future cases” the determination as to “where, when, and how … the speaker’s off-campus location will make the critical difference” and suggested several areas in which discipline for off-campus speech by students may still be appropriate under the First Amendment. These include speech that involves “serious or severe bullying or harassment targeting particular individuals”.

The United State Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has now issued the first federal appellate decision in the country applying Mahanoy to “off campus” speech. On November 19, 2021, the court decided Doe v. Hopkinton Public Schools, No. 20-1950 (1st Cir. 2021), a case in which attorney John Foskett of Valerio Dominello & Hillman LLC worked with the National Association of School Boards to file an amicus brief.

In Doe, several members of a Snapchat group and the school’s hockey team had demeaned another student in Snapchat posts and at team events, causing the student to refuse to try out for another sport, to withdraw from a chosen class, and ultimately to transfer from the school. Suspensions ensued based on violation of the Massachusetts Anti-Bullying law, G.L. c. 71, §37O. Two students who had only been involved in the “off campus” Snapchat posts filed suit claiming a violation of their speech rights under the First Amendment and under the Massachusetts Student Speech statute, G.L. c. 71, § 82. The district court rejected their claims and, in its decision on appeal, the Court of Appeals has affirmed the judgment and has upheld the discipline.

Applying Mahanoy’s interpretation of Tinker, the Doe court ruled that “schools have a special interest in regulating speech that involves ‘the invasion of the rights of others’” and that “[t]his pedagogical interest remains even in off-campus circumstances.” The court distinguished the “general statement of discontent” in Mahanoy, finding it “qualitatively different from bullying that targets and invades the rights of an individual student.” The court next rejected the students’ argument that their minimal role of merely posting on the Snapchat site immunized their conduct. Pointing out that bullying is often a group activity, the court held that the school “reasonably concluded” that the plaintiffs’ activity “emboldened the bullies and encouraged others in the invasion of [the target’s] rights”. It ruled that “speech that actively encourages … direct or face-to-face bullying conduct is not constitutionally protected” and that “[t]he test under Tinker is objective, focusing on the reasonableness of the school’s response, not the intent of the student.”

The plaintiffs also claimed that their speech was protected under G.L. c. 71, § 82 because that statute uses language suggesting that only speech that “disrupts” the school may be regulated, which is similar to language that was used in Tinker. The court disagreed. It pointed out that the Massachusetts statute was enacted well before adoption of the bullying statute in § 37O and that the latter contains additional language that also was used in Tinker, proscribing conduct that “‘infringes on the rights of the victim at school’”. The court refused to interpret § 82 in a way such that it would “conflict directly with” § 37O or that would render the bullying law “meaningless.”

Doe is significant because it is the first federal appellate decision in the country that addresses “off campus” speech by students in light of the Supreme Court’s Mahanoy ruling. Importantly, it confirms that at least some such “off campus” speech can be the basis for student discipline without violating the First Amendment. As suggested in Mahanoy, whether that speech in a given situation may be regulated will depend to a great extent on the specific facts – such as whether it sufficiently constitutes a “threat of harm”, “harassment”, or “infringes on the rights” of another student. Administrators should consult with school district counsel when these issues arise.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing

On November 16, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) announced that it would suspend the Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”) on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing for the time being.  Our office published an advisory on November 5, 2021 addressing employer obligations to comply with the ETS.

The ETS went into effect on November 5, 2021.  However, on November 12th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a motion to stay enforcement of the ETS.  In response, OSHA has resolved to suspend all activities related to implementation and enforcement of the ETS.  Our office will continue to monitor the status of the ETS and employer obligations response to the ETS.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Superior Court Denies Injunction Against DESE and Local District School Mask Mandates

Joining a continually increasing number of federal and state courts around the country, a justice of the Hampden Superior Court has denied a request for an injunction against the state-wide school mask mandate first ordered by the Commissioner of DESE on August 25, 2021 and against several local school districts’ school mask policies.

In The Family Freedom Endeavor, Inc. et al. v. Riley, et al., two entities and several individual parents brought six actions in various superior courts against DESE, eighteen school districts, and two municipalities, claiming that all lacked legal authority to issue school mask mandates and that these mandates violate various individual constitutional rights. At the request of all defendants, the cases were consolidated in the first-filed case in Hampden County and argument on the injunction requests was heard on October 26, 2021.

On November 16, 2021, the court issued a 15-page decision denying the requests. Addressing the claim against DESE first, the court held that G.L. c. 69, § 1B “unambiguously evinces a legislative intent that [DESE] ensure that students attend classes in a healthy and safe educational environment” and that DESE has “authority …during an unprecedented pandemic to establish policies to ensure safe in-person learning in public schools.” The court rejected an additional argument that there were no “exigent circumstances” that allowed DESE to act under its regulations, stating “the plaintiffs’ blanket denial of exigent circumstances and of the need for masks in schools contradicts the guidance issued by the CDC, the DPH, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.”

Regarding the authority of the local districts to issue school mask mandates, the court held that local entities have the power to “impose health related rules in their own schools” and that this authority has not been preempted by the Commonwealth because there is no conflict between DESE’s mask mandate and the local policies, and because the mandates are “guided by the DPH, other public health authorities, and medical experts.”

Last, the court emphatically rejected the claims that these mandates violate any constitutional rights. The court pointed out that parents do not have a “fundamental interest in not having their children masked at school”; that parental rights “do not include the liberty to expose the community or a child to communicable diseases”; and that these mandates “were created, tailored, and implemented in consultation with medical experts and on the basis of widely accepted public health recommendations.” Noting that the plaintiffs’ arguments “are premised upon nonauthoritative cases as well as thin and heavily contradicted evidence”, the court ruled that the mandates survive judicial review because “[t]hey serve the legitimate State interest of slowing the spread of COVID-19”. Accordingly, the court decided that the plaintiffs had failed to satisfy the requirements for enjoining the mask policies.

The court’s decision means that school districts have the authority to impose rational requirements to protect the health of students so long as those requirements do not conflict with DESE’s policies and orders. While the plaintiffs may try to seek some form of appellate review, the court’s decision is consistent with overwhelming authority throughout the United States and is both thorough and well-reasoned.

Local districts should consult with counsel regarding any questions about mask policies, including whether exemptions or accommodations apply in individual cases.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing

On November 4, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing.  The ETS takes effect upon publication in the Federal Register, November 5, 2021.  Covered employers have thirty (30) days to come into compliance with most aspects of the ETS, including vaccine mandates, but have sixty (60) days to comply with testing requirements.

The ETS Applies to Employers With 100 or More Employees:

The ETS covers employers with 100 or more employees, firm or company-wide.  OSHA expects this will cover approximately two-thirds of the nation’s private sector workforce.  Exempted from the ETS are workplaces covered by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force COVID-19 Workplace Safety: Guidance for Federal Contractors and subcontractors and workplaces where any employee provides healthcare services or healthcare support services and is subject to the requirements of the Healthcare ETS (§1910.502).

The ETS will also apply to public sector employees in states with OSHA State Plans.  OSHA’s Fact Sheet indicates public employers in states without OSHA State Plans will not be covered by the ETS.  The Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards (DLS), however, has not yet determined whether the ETS will apply to Massachusetts public sector employers.  Although Massachusetts does not have a State Plan, as many of you are aware, in 2018 the Massachusetts legislature passed An Act Relative to Standards of Employee Safety, which required public employers “provide public employees at least the level of protection provided under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 U.S.C. 651 et. seq., including standards and provisions of the general duty clause contained in 29 U.S.C. 654.”  Given the intent of the legislature, the DLS may determine it is appropriate to enforce the ETS here in Massachusetts with public sector employees.

Testing Requirements:

The ETS requires covered employers to develop, implement, and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, unless the employer adopts a policy requiring employees to choose to either be vaccinated or undergo regular COVID-19 testing and wear a face covering at work.  Regardless of which option they choose, employers will be required to determine the vaccination status of each employee, obtain acceptable proof of vaccination status from vaccinated employees, and maintain records and a roster of each employee’s vaccination status.  At this time boosters are not required to be considered “fully vaccinated.”

Employer Option to Permit Testing In Lieu of Vaccination:

Employers who permit testing as an alternative to vaccination, must require employees who are not fully vaccinated to be tested for COVID-19 at least weekly.  And employees who are not fully vaccinated must wear a face covering when indoors or in a vehicle with another person for work purposes.  There is an exception for fully remote employees and/or those who only come into the workplace on a limited basis.  Those individuals must only be tested within seven (7) days prior to coming to the office.  Those who test positive for COVID-19 are excepted from testing for 90 days to avoid false positives but are required to continue to wear a face mask.

Employer Obligations to Support Employee Compliance:

  • Leave – employers must provide paid time off to employees to get vaccinated and to recover from any side effects from the vaccination.
  • Testing – employers are not required to pay for employees to be tested. (Employers may, however, reach agreements with unions that provide for employer paid/free testing).  Employers can offer on-site testing and can also use pool testing.
  • Employee Notice – employers must require employees to notify them if they test positive for COVID-19. Once notified, employers have an obligation to remove that employee from the workplace, regardless of vaccination status, and prohibit the employee from returning until certain criteria are met.

In releasing this ETS, OSHA made clear that it will continue to monitor COVID-19 trends and may modify and change the ETS as necessary.  In addition, although it takes effect immediately, the ETS is considered a proposal and OSHA seeks comments before finalizing.

The ETS can be found here: and a FAQ issued by OSHA can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Update to Joint Advisory regarding Mandated Reporting Responsibilities of School Personnel in Cases of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

On October 27, 2021, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) issued an updated joint advisory with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) concerning mandated reporting responsibilities for school personnel in cases of suspected child abuse and neglect.  The update replaces the previous advisory on the same topic issued in 2010.

The updated advisory summarizes the mandated reporting law and answers common questions regarding the law and responsibilities of mandatory reporters.  In addition to school personnel having a duty to report, school committees continue to have a duty to inform teachers, administrators, and other professional staff regarding their reporting duties.  The advisory is intended to assist school committees in meeting this obligation.

A link to the reporting form is included in the updated advisory, making it easy for mandatory reporters to find and submit the required information consistent with Section 51A.

The definitions of “abuse” and “neglect” have been updated:

  • Adding “victimization of a child through sexual exploitation and/or human trafficking, whether or not the person responsible is a caregiver” to the definition of “abuse.” And noting the location of the actions do not impact that definition.
  • In addition, the advisory makes clear that “neglect” cannot be solely due to a parent or caregiver’s “disability or limited physical condition.”
  • The updated reference to “sexual exploitation or human trafficking” was added to various sections of the advisory, making clear that mandatory reporters are responsible for reporting when this conduct is suspected.

Additional guidance regarding a school or district’s ongoing concerns and concerns for children already involved with DCF or the courts in included in the update:

  • Even if a reporter is aware that a child is involved with DCF or the court the reporter must still report any suspected abuse or neglect, even when the reporter has already notified the child’s social worker.
  • Only if the concerns do not rise to the level of a 51A requirement, can the reporter limit notification to the social worker.
  • The guidance goes on to indicate that if a school or district has ongoing concerns after speaking to the social worker the school or district may reach out to the DCF Area Office and speak with the Area Program Manager or Director. When necessary, a school or district may also speak to the DCF Office of Ombudsman or the Office of the Child Advocate Complaint Line if they do not believe DCF is being responsive.

The updated advisory modifies DESE/DCF’s response to questions regarding reports of student harassment, assault or abuse by another student.  Previously the advisory indicated the matter “should be reported to DCF” and police.  The updated advisory is more nuanced and indicates responses will vary based on allegations, applicable laws, regulations, and policies, advising reporters and schools to consult with school counsel.  If abuse is suspected of a student under eighteen the guidance does, however, advise it be reported.

The updated advisory also notes the need to report abuse or neglect of disabled persons aged eighteen and over to the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC).

While the advisory previously discouraged districts from notifying parents or guardians of a DCF interview at school if the child could be placed at risk of further abuse or neglect, the updated advisory directs districts to consult with counsel regarding these questions.

The update emphasizes that reports of suspected abuse by school employees must be reported “immediately.”

The updated advisory can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law generally, please contact one of the attorneys below.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Massachusetts School Mask Mandate Extended Through At Least January 15, 2022

On October 26, 2021, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”) extended its statewide school mask mandate until at least January 15, 2022. The mandate requires all students and staff members five (5) years and older to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status, except when eating or drinking. Prior to the extension, the deadline for the end of the mask mandate was set for November 1st. This is the second time DESE has extended the mandate.

Schools are still able to lift the mandate for vaccinated individuals by submitting proof to DESE that at least 80 percent of the student and staff population is vaccinated against COVID-19. This extension of the mandate comes amid news of an expected expansion of eligibility for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to children between the ages of 5 and 11.

If you have any questions about the contents of this update or school law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Supreme Judicial Court Finds That Police Officer Who Injured Coworker on Town Property During Working Hours Was Not Acting Within Scope of Employment

On October 25, 2021, the Supreme Judicial Court held in Russell Berry v. Commerce Insurance Company, (No. 2020-P-1316) that the provision of the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, G.L. c. 258, §2 (the “Act”) which provides civil tort immunity to any public employee acting “within the scope of his office or employment” did not apply to a Raynham police officer who struck a fellow officer with his truck on town property while returning from a paid lunch.

The incident in question occurred at a firing range owned by the Town of Raynham.  Officer Shawn Sheehan was an employee of the Raynham Police Department and a certified firearms instructor who was being paid overtime to conduct a day-long training for fellow officers. The plaintiff, Officer Russell Berry, was also an employee of the Raynham Police Department who was required to attend the training. Following the morning session, Officer Sheehan left the range to buy lunch at a nearby store. During this lunch break, Officer Sheehan was still being paid and was planning to eat during a “working lunch” with fellow officers. When he returned, Officer Sheehan drove his pickup truck directly onto the range, intending to park near a group of picnic tables. Driving “faster than he should have,” Officer Sheehan applied the brakes, and the truck slid and struck Officer Berry, pinning his leg between the truck and a picnic table.

Officer Berry sustained several injuries to his leg and incurred medical bills in excess of $130,000. As a result of his injuries, Officer Berry received leave with pay under G.L. c. 41, § 111F, which applies to police and firefighters injured “in the performance of [their] duty.” However, when Officer Berry submitted a written demand letter to Officer Sheehan’s insurer, it denied coverage on the ground that Officer Sheehan was a public employee who had been acting within the scope of his employment and, thus, was immune under G.L. c. 258, §2. Officer Berry then sued in Superior Court and the judge entered a declaratory judgment in his favor.

After the Commerce Insurance Company appealed, the SJC, exercising direct appeal, affirmed the decision of the Superior Court. The Court explained that three factors must be considered when determining whether an employee’s conduct falls within the scope of employment: (1) “whether the conduct in question is of the kind the employee is hired to perform”; (2) “whether it occurs within authorized time and space limits”;  and (3) “whether it is motivated, at least in part, by a purpose to serve the employer.” The SJC concluded that Officer Sheehan was not acting within the scope of employment at the time of the accident because his conduct – driving his truck too fast on the range, braking suddenly, and causing his truck to slide into Officer Berry – was not part of the duties that he was hired to perform as a firearms instructor. The Court added that Officer Sheehan’s actions were not motivated, even in part, by a purpose to serve the Raynham Police Department.

The SJC reconciled this analysis with the fact that Officer Berry was injured “in the performance of his duty” and qualified for paid leave under G.L. c. 41, § 111F. The Court explained that the standard used in cases involving an injured employee’s entitlement to benefits is much broader than the “scope of employment” test used to determine whether an employer is liable for the employee’s negligent acts, pointing out that the statutes have different purposes justifying different treatments.

This case is important to municipal employers because it may limit employer liability for tortious acts committed by an employee in some circumstances even when the conduct occurred on employer property during working hours and qualified the other, injured employee for § 111F leave. As always, the specific facts will determine the relevance of this decision in a given case.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding employer liability, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Four VDH Attorneys Named 2021 Massachusetts Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Robert D. Hillman and John Foskett have been named Massachusetts Super Lawyers for 2021 and Nicholas J. Dominello and Jennifer F. King have been named Massachusetts Rising StarsSuper Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. This selection process includes independent research, peer nominations and peer evaluations. Rising Stars are chosen by their peers as being among the top up-and-coming lawyers and must be 40 years old or younger, or in practice 10 years or less.