- Policy development, including reviewing, drafting, and making recommendations for revisions to school committee policies
- Policy development and revisions to social media policies
- Trainings for school committees, administrators and employees on a variety of topics and laws
- Collective bargaining using traditional and Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) techniques; training of and preparation with school committees for collective bargaining, drafting of proposals and issues and representation of school committees at the bargaining table
- Negotiating and drafting employment agreements on behalf of school committees, including negotiating and drafting employment contracts with superintendents and drafting contracts between superintendents and principals
- Day to day counseling on a variety of matters and compliance with various laws including:
- Open Meeting Law
- Conflict of Interest Law
- Public Records Law
- Uniform Procurement Act
- Municipal Health Insurance
- Retirement Law
- Labor Relations Law
- Public Employee Tort Claims Indemnification
- MSBA/School Building
- School Budget and School Finance
- Revolving Accounts
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- Student Attendance
- Anti-bullying and anti-bullying training
- State and Federal wage and hour and overtime laws
- State and Federal anti-discrimination laws
- Reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities
- State and Federal laws regarding military leave
- State and Federal laws regarding student records
- McKinney Vento Act regarding education of homeless students
- Employee hiring, evaluation, discipline and discharge
- Student discipline, including discipline of special education students
- Special Education Law
- Counseling and drafting of notices of intent to suspend or discharge employees
- Representation in the contractual grievance and arbitration process including preparing grievance answers and handling of arbitrations
- Representation in M.G.L. chapter 71 arbitrations
- Representation before the Massachusetts Department of Labor Relations
- Representation before the Massachusetts Civil Service Commission
- Representation before the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) and the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Representation before the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
- Representation before the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA)
- Representation at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings
- Representation in State and Federal Courts
- Counseling regarding internal investigations including employee discipline and harassment
- Counseling regarding Title IX and Title VI matters
- Drafting, reviewing and revising student handbooks
- Review and negotiation of contracts with transportation providers
- Review and negotiation of contracts with other outside contractors
School Law