Teachers’ Union Could Not Arbitrate the Termination of a Teacher with Fewer Than 90 Days in School District

The Massachusetts Appeals Court held yesterday that a public teachers’ union could not arbitrate on behalf of a former teacher who had worked for fewer than 90 days in the school district. Under the state statute governing teacher dismissals, G.L. c. 71, § 42, the former teacher was an employee at will and, as such, had no statutory due process rights controlling his termination from employment. The case is Spencer-East Brookfield Reg’l High Sch. Dist. V. Spencer-East Brookfield Teachers’ Ass’n, 17-P-103 (June 4, 2018).

In 2016, the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District (the “District”) terminated a teacher after only 44 days of employment. Four days after the teacher’s termination, the Spencer-East Brookfield Teachers’ Association (the “Association”) filed a grievance asserting that, prior to the teacher’s termination, the District had failed to provide him with proper mentoring and evaluation, as required by the parties’ collective bargaining agreement. To remedy the purported violation, the Association sought to have the teacher reinstated.

The court premised its decision with a summary of G.L. c. 71, § 42, which lays out three levels of procedural and substantive due process requirements and protections for teachers. The remedies in § 42 are “the exclusive remedies available to teachers for wrongful termination,” irrespective of the provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreement. The court reviewed the three categories of requirements.

First, under § 42, teachers with professional teacher status (“PTS”) are afforded the greatest degree of due process rights and protections. PTS teachers may not be terminated except for “inefficiency, incompetency, incapacity, conduct unbecoming a teacher, insubordination or failure on the part of the teacher to satisfy teacher performance standards . . . or other just cause.” PTS teachers have the right to receive written notice of the intent to terminate employment with an explanation and documentation of the reasons sufficient to allow the teacher respond. PTS teachers also have the right to seek review of a termination at an arbitral hearing, where the school district carries the burden of proof.

Second, a lesser degree of due process protection is afforded to non-PTS teachers who have been teaching in a school district for at least 90 calendar days. Such teachers are entitled, prior to termination, to receive written notice of the district’s intent to dismiss them from employment and an explanation of the grounds for the dismissal in sufficient detail to permit the teacher to respond. Such teachers also have the right to review the decision to terminate with the principal or superintendent and to present information pertaining to the basis of the decision and to the teacher’s status. The teacher may have an attorney or other representative at the meeting.

Third, non-PTS teachers who have taught for fewer than 90 calendar days are deemed employees at will and have no statutory protections under § 42. Employment at will is terminable by either the employee or the employer without notice, for almost any reason or for no reason at all.

Here, the Association argued that, despite the teacher’s at-will employment status, it could still arbitrate purported violations of the collective bargaining agreement that preceded his termination. The court disagreed, noting that the 1993 Education Reform Act subjects all collective bargaining agreements to § 42. Moreover, the teacher had been terminated from employment before the Association filed its grievance, meaning that the teacher was no longer entitled to any benefits the collective bargaining agreement might have conferred upon him. Therefore, the Appeals Court affirmed the Superior Court’s judgment permanently staying the grievance arbitration proceeding commenced by the Association before the Department of Labor Relations.

The court did not address the question of whether, had the grievance been filed before the teacher’s termination, the purported contractual violations would have been arbitrable.

If you have questions about this decision, or about school law generally, please contact any of our attorneys.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Appeals Court Issues Decision Discussing School District Liability for Student Head Injuries

Today, in Stahr v. Lincoln Sudbury Reg’l High Sch. Dist., the Massachusetts Appeals Court affirmed the dismissal of a former student-athlete’s claims against the Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School District for injuries sustained during a varsity field hockey practice. The court dismissed the claims based on its determination that they fit the exception in § 10(j) of the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, G.L. c. 258 (the “Act”). The outcome in this case highlights the limits of public employer liability under the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, particularly where the public employer is not the direct cause of the injury. It also serves to remind school districts of the importance of implementing and adhering to proper concussion protocols as required under G.L. c. 111, § 222, and 105 C.M.R. 201.00.

Massachusetts Tort Claims Act

Under the Act, public employers – including school districts – may be held liable for injuries caused by the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of a public employee acting within the scope of their employment. Despite the general rule, there are several exceptions in the Act that shield public employers from liability in certain situations.

Under one common exception, a district generally can’t be held liable for its actions (or lack of action) to prevent or diminish the consequences of a harmful condition or situation where the district did not “originally cause” the harmful condition or situation. See G.L. c. 258, § 10(j). This exception often comes into play when an injury is caused by a third party, such as another student. The question then becomes whether the district “originally caused” the condition or situation that led to the injury.

When does a school district “originally cause” a condition or situation?

Under Supreme Judicial Court precedent, the district has to take some “affirmative action” that “materially” contributes to creating the harmful condition or situation. See Cormier v. Lynn, 479 Mass. 35 (2018). The courts won’t hold a district liable if its action is too attenuated or if the district simply failed to prevent a harmful situation from arising.

The Stahr Case

In Stahr, the Lincoln Sudbury girls’ varsity field hockey team participated in a practice drill introduced and supervised by an alumna player acting as a volunteer coach. The players were not warned or instructed as to techniques that could endanger other players prior to the drill. During the drill, a student was struck in the face by a teammate’s field hockey stick. The head varsity coach was present on the field but was not actively supervising at the time. The blow knocked out two of the student’s teeth, caused her to lose consciousness, and resulted in a concussion.

The student’s family argued that the head coach’s decision to allow an untrained volunteer coach to supervise a new drill was the “original cause” of the student’s injury. The court disagreed, finding that the head coach’s decision was too attenuated from the actual collision that directly caused the injury. The court also refused to hold the district liable for the coaches’ alleged “lack of supervision” and “inadequate instruction” prior to the drill. Both were omissions, not affirmative acts. As such, the court likened the student’s claim to “an attempt to hold the [district] liable for failing to ensure [the student’s] safety during field hockey practice.”

The family also argued that the district was negligent in its failure to implement and follow a concussion protocol as required by G.L. c. 111, § 222, and 105 C.M.R. 201.00. After the impact, the head coach failed to take any steps to mitigate the effects of a possible concussion and did not notify the student’s parents of the proper protocol to follow in the event of a suspected concussion. The student did not receive her concussion diagnosis until five days later. Upon her return to school, she was not placed on a graduated reentry plan and her academic performance suffered over an extended period of time. She ultimately withdrew from the district.

The court held that the district could not be held liable for its failure to implement and adhere to proper concussion protocols as required by Massachusetts law. Because the failure was an omission, as opposed to an “affirmative act,” it could not be considered the “original cause” of the injury. Similarly, because the failure was an omission, it could not be classified as a “negligent intervention.”

Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Law

Even though the school district could not be held liable in this case, the facts demonstrate why it is imperative that schools comply with the requirements set forth in the G.L. c. 111, § 222, and its implementing regulations located at 105 C.M.R. 201.00.

The regulations require all schools to have policies and procedures in place governing the prevention and management of sports-related head injuries. Such policies must have provisions including, but not limited to:

  1. annual training in the prevention and recognition of sports-related head injuries;
  2. instructions to coaches, athletic trainers, and volunteers to teach form, techniques, and skills and promote protective equipment use to minimize sports-related head injury;
  3. procedures for reporting head injuries or suspected concussions sustained during extra-curricular athletic activities to the school nurse and licensed athletic trainer;
  4. procedures for identifying a head injury or suspected concussion, removing an athlete from practice or competition, and referring for medical evaluation; and
  5. procedures for the development and implementation of post-concussion graduated reentry plans to school and academic activities.

See 105 C.M.R. 201.006(A). If you have any questions about these requirements, or about school law generally, please contact any of our attorneys.


This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.


Supreme Judicial Court Discusses Competing Statutory Definitions of “Employee”

On May 10, 2018, the Supreme Judicial Court held in Camargo’s Case (SJC-12368) that in determining whether someone is an employee or an independent contractor for workers’ compensation purposes, the definition of “employee” from the workers’ compensation statute, G.L. c. 152, § 1, must be applied, as opposed to the definition from the independent contractor statute, G.L. c. 149, § 148B.  Applying the appropriate definition, the court determined the plaintiff was an independent contractor and therefore not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

The plaintiff contracted with defendant Publishers Circulation Fulfillment, Inc. (“PCF”) as a newspaper delivery agent. After she was injured delivering newspapers and ultimately relieved of her services, she sought workers’ compensation benefits, which PCF denied on the basis that she was not an employee.  The matter was then brought to the Department of Industrial Accidents (“Department”) which is responsible for resolving workers’ compensation disputes.  The Department applied the workers’ compensation statute’s definition of “employee” and found that the claimant was an independent contractor ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The Plaintiff appealed, contending that the Department should have applied the independent contractor statute’s definition of “employee.”

Historically, the Department has applied the workers’ compensation statute’s definition of “employee” as well as a common law twelve (12) factor test to decide if workers are employees or independent contractors. The court affirmed this practice.  In reaching its conclusion, the court pointed out that the independent contractor statute excludes any reference to workers’ compensation benefits.  If the Legislature had intended for that statute to apply to workers’ compensation claims, it would have included language to that effect.

The court warned of the consequences of having numerous statutory definitions of “employee.” The court listed four Massachusetts laws with competing definitions of an “employee”: the workers’ compensation law, the independent contractor law, an unemployment insurance law, and a law on withholding taxes on wages.  Workers may qualify as employees for one purpose, but an independent contractor for another, making it difficult for them to comprehend their rights.  Accordingly, the court implored the Legislature to harmonize these laws or provide more guidance to workers.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only  and should not be considered legal advice.

Doe v. Town of Stoughton

On April 25, 2018, the federal district court for the District of Massachusetts issued an order dismissing several claims against the Town of Stoughton, the Stoughton Public Schools Superintendent, and the Stoughton High School Principal. Those claims were brought by a former student who alleged that she was subjected to illegal sexual harassment by a teacher who groomed and abused her during her junior and senior years. The plaintiff asserted that, by allowing this to occur, the school district and its employees violated their statutory duties to protect her from harm, including duties pursuant to Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Of particular importance is the court’s order dismissing the Title IX claim against the Town (based on the acts of the school employees). To succeed on a Title IX claim, the plaintiff had to show that: (1) she was a student subject to harassment based on sex that was sufficiently severe and pervasive to create an abusive educational environment; and (2) an official who at a minimum had authority to address the alleged discrimination and to institute corrective measures on the student’s behalf had actual knowledge of the discrimination and failed to adequately respond or was deliberately indifferent to it.  The plaintiff’s complaint alleged that the Principal had actual knowledge of the abuse when another student reported to her that the teacher was providing the plaintiff with special treatment that she was spending excessive time with the teacher, and that on one occasion the plaintiff had left the school in the teacher’s vehicle.  The Principal allegedly initiated an investigation that involved questioning the plaintiff and the teacher, and it did not result in a finding of abuse.

The court noted that a showing of actual knowledge under Title IX requires that a defendant be deliberately indifferent to “known acts” of harassment or discrimination even applying the lenient rules for evaluating complaints the court found that this complaint failed to adequately allege that the Principal had “actual knowledge” of the abuse. The court ruled that allegations about the report to the Principal regarding special treatment, that the plaintiff was spending excessive time with the teacher, and that she was seen getting into the teacher’s vehicle did not amount to known acts of harassment or discrimination sufficient to establish the actual knowledge required by Title IX.  Consequently, the court dismissed the plaintiff’s Title IX claim against the Town. (It dismissed Title IX claims against the individuals because Title IX does not authorize such claims).

While this case shows the stringent requirements necessary to establish a school district’s culpable knowledge under Title IX, school districts should keep in mind that even in this case the facts were apparently enough to trigger an investigation by the school (albeit one that may have been superficial). Failure to so in light of a report indicating that harassment may be occurring could itself trigger liability. Moreover, the court did allow a claim to proceed against the Principal under the federal Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. §1983 because the allegations showed that she had constructive knowledge of a grave risk of harm but failed to take “sufficient, easily available measures to address the risk”.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding school law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Civil Service Commission Addresses Truthfulness Standard in Bypasses

On April 12, 2018, the Civil Service Commission (“Commission”) released a decision, Dabene v. Boston Police Department, in which it opined on the requisite level of untruthfulness to substantiate bypass of a candidate for a police officer position.  It is well-established in decisions under the Civil Service Law, G.L. c. 71, that honesty is a necessary trait for individuals who are, or are seeking to become, a police officer.  In this case, the municipal employer bypassed a candidate for original appointment to the position of police officer based on concern that he previously provided untruthful information in his application.  The  bypass was appealed to the Commission.

In a 2015 job application with the Massachusetts State Police, there was a question posed to applicants whether they were proficient in any languages besides English; the candidate did not answer as being proficient in any such languages.  In a 2016 job application with the municipal employer, there was a question posed to applicants whether they had a basic knowledge of any languages besides English; the candidate indicated that he had a basic knowledge of both the Spanish and Italian languages after studying them in high school and college.  He then completed an application for a police officer position with the employer in 2017, where he did not answer that he had a basic knowledge of any languages other than English.  When the employer inquired why he had listed himself as having a basic knowledge of two languages in his 2016 application but not in his 2017 application, the candidate wrote that “[although I had taken classes in the past, it is clear that I have lost much of my proficiency in these languages…I did not list these languages, as I am now aware that I am not as proficient as I once was.”

In reviewing the bypass, the Commission noted that labeling candidates as untruthful “can be an inherently subjective determination that should be made only after a thorough, serious and uniform review that is mindful of the career-ending consequences that such a conclusion has on candidates seeking a career in public safety.” Here, while the candidate had received satisfactory grades in his Spanish and Italian courses, the employer relied on the fact he had listed himself as “proficient” in those languages on his State Police application but did not list himself as having a “basic knowledge” in his latest application with it.  The Commission determined this question to be highly subjective because the application provided no guidance as to what constituted “basic knowledge” and left its meaning up to interpretation.  Thus, the Commission found that the employer had not proven that the candidate was untruthful in his application and invalidated the bypass.

This case serves as important guidance for public employers in assessing and bypassing job candidates. Employers should ensure that application questions are clear and objective, and offer direction when necessary.  Additionally, when reviewing inconsistencies between application responses and background investigations, employers should be careful to determine whether a candidate may have had a genuine misunderstanding or was untruthful.  This is especially important because past decisions have generally deferred to the employer’s judgment in requiring that candidates for original appointment or promotion as police officers be found scrupulously honest.  This decision shows that the Commission will scrutinize those determinations in a bypass case.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law generally, please contact any of our attorneys.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

SJC Upholds Massachusetts Cap on Charter Schools

On April 24, 2018, the Supreme Judicial Court held in Doe No. 1 v. Secretary of Education (SJC-12275) that students who attend public schools in Massachusetts are not constitutionally entitled to attend charter schools.  Five students filed a complaint in Superior Court challenging G.L. c. 71, § 89(i), which caps the number of all charter schools in the state (with the exception of “Horace Mann II” schools) and also caps the funding that commonwealth charter schools receive.  The plaintiffs alleged that the statutory caps violate both the education clause and the equal protection clause of the Massachusetts Constitution.  The Superior Court dismissed the complaint and the students appealed.

Under the statute, there is a cap of 120 total charter schools allowed in the Commonwealth. No more than 72 of those schools may be “commonwealth charter schools,” which operate independently of the school district where they are located but still receive funding from that district.  In addition, the statute provides that the funding from the sending district to commonwealth charters may not exceed 9% of the district’s net school spending; unless the sending district is in the lowest 10% of performing districts statewide, in which case the funding limits are raised to 18%.  (The other type of charter school, a Horace Mann charter, must be approved by the school district and the bargaining unit in which it is located, and receives funding as determined by the district.)

On appeal, the court first decided that the plaintiffs had sufficiently asserted a justiciable controversy and their right to bring their claims. It then addressed the merits of those claims.

The plaintiffs attend schools that are subject to the 18% cap and have been unable to obtain spaces in charter schools through a lottery process. They alleged that the education they are receiving is constitutionally inadequate under the education clause, which imposes a duty on the Commonwealth to educate all children.  The plaintiffs claimed that this deprivation is caused by the charter school cap, which prevents them from attending a better-performing school and thereby receiving a constitutionally adequate education.  The court disagreed, ruling that while the plaintiffs may be receiving an inadequate education at the moment, they would need to demonstrate that the Commonwealth had failed to fulfill its duty to educate all of its children and that the Commonwealth’s public education plan does not offer reasonable assurance of an opportunity for an adequate education.

Alternatively, the plaintiffs alleged that the charter caps violate the equal protection clause of the Massachusetts constitution because they create two classes of children: those guaranteed to receive the opportunity for an adequate education because their districts provide one, and those in failing districts that rely on the charter lottery system for the prospect of an adequate education. The court rejected this claim as well.  It held that because the charter caps did not significantly interfere with any fundamental right to an education or target a suspect class, the court would not evaluate the statute by applying “heightened scrutiny.”  Instead the court decided that the statute could be upheld so long as it was rationally related to the furtherance of a legitimate state interest.  Noting that charter school funding affects the funding available to the district’s traditional public schools, the court concluded that the caps further the interests of students who do not attend charter schools by limiting the funding impact on their schools and serve as an effort to allocate educational funding among the Commonwealth’s students.  The court therefore held that the caps further a legitimate state interest and satisfy the “rational basis” test.

Obviously, this case has importance for school districts in Massachusetts which must annually wrestle with school budgets and enrollment issues. The court noted that charter schools and the caps continue to be a source of public debate in and outside the Legislature.  School districts are well-advised to keep abreast of developments.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding school law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Supreme Judicial Court Defines the Scope of State Middle and Upper Managers’ Rights to Revert or “Bump” Back to Former Tenured Civil Service Position

In a decision released March 27, 2018, the Supreme Judicial Court held that the right of a middle or upper level state manager to revert to a previously-held civil service position under G.L. c. 30, § 46D applies only to involuntary terminations, not to voluntary resignations.

The case, Spencer v. Civil Service Commission, SJC-12326, involved the former Commissioner of Correction, who voluntarily resigned from his position in July 2014. Upon his resignation, the commissioner asked that he be allowed to revert to his last tenured civil service position, a position he had not held in over 20 years. The reversion would have significantly enhanced his retirement benefits. After his request was denied by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety & Security, the former commissioner filed an appeal with the Civil Service Commission (“Commission”). The Commission dismissed the case, and the former commissioner thereafter sought judicial review. The SJC took the case on its own motion.

G.L. c. 30, § 46D permits an individual who holds a middle or upper level management position with the Commonwealth to revert or “bump” back to the tenured civil service position from which he or she was promoted upon “termination of his [or her] service.” The phrase “termination of his [or her] service” is not defined in the statute and, prior to this decision, its meaning was unsettled.

The SJC concluded that the phrase refers only to involuntary terminations. In reaching its decision, the court noted the legislative history surrounding the 1981 overhaul of the civil service scheme, as well as relevant Commission precedent. Both factors supported a finding that the reversion or “bumping” right available to state managers under G.L. c. 30, § 46D was limited solely to involuntary terminations.

The court rejected the former commissioner’s argument that he was entitled to revert back to his former civil service position under G.L. c. 30, § 46D due to the Department of Correction’s long-standing practice of allowing upper level managers to revert to their prior civil service positions shortly before retirement. The court noted that this practice allowed the managers to significantly enhance their retirement benefits at the expense of the “bumped” lower level employees and that such contrived or “sham” reversions are illegal under the state pension law. The SJC wrote: “G.L. c. 30, § 46D, was not designed to permit a high-level manager to voluntarily resign and revert, particularly when he does so for the purpose of attaining enhanced retirement benefits designed for a hazardous employment position he has not occupied in twenty-five years. Instead, § 46D is designed to provide managers involuntarily terminated the right to revert to continue their public service.”

Lastly, the court reiterated its previous ruling that an employee’s resignation is voluntary absent a showing of fraud, coercion, or duress. It also affirmed the Commission’s consistently held rule that “mere evidence that a resignation was made under threat of discharge or discipline is not enough” to establish coercion or duress.

While the ruling in Spencer is limited to state managers’ rights to reversion under G.L. c. 30, § 46D, it highlights the need for municipal employers to comply with the requirements of the civil service law, G.L. c. 31, when promoting a tenured civil service employee to a non-civil service position.

Section 37 of the civil service statute discusses the circumstances in which an appointing authority may authorize leaves of absence to permanent civil service employees. For example, a leave of absence for a period up to 14 days is at the discretion of the appointing authority, while a leave of absence for a period greater than 14 days must be in writing and only after a written request for such leave by the employee. Any leave of absence greater than three months requires prior approval of the Human Resources Division. Without such approval, the employee runs the risk of not being able to return to his or her prior civil service position at the end of such leave.

Please contact any of our attorneys if you have any questions about how this decision may impact you or if you have any other questions regarding civil service law or other labor and employment matters.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

SJC Overrules Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Guidance Regarding Circulation of Employee Performance Evaluations to Quorum of Board of Selectmen in Advance of an Open Meeting

On April 5, 2018, the Supreme Judicial Court held in Boelter v. Board of Selectmen of Wayland, SJC-12353, that the email circulation of employee performance evaluations among a quorum of a public body in advance of an open meeting violates the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18, 20 (the “OML”) unless the evaluations are publicly disclosed at the same time. This decision overrules guidance previously issued by the Attorney General, which provided that the circulation of evaluations to a quorum falls within the law’s exemption for the simple distribution of materials, as long as the body of the email itself expresses no “opinion.”

In the Wayland case, the board of selectmen was preparing for its annual evaluation of the town administrator.  In advance of an open meeting, the board members submitted individual evaluations to the chair, who then compiled the individual evaluations into a composite evaluation.  The chair circulated an e-mail to all members of the board containing the composite evaluation and the individual evaluations as attachments.  The covering email expressed no opinion.

The SJC concluded that the chair’s email to the board members, containing the attached evaluations, constituted a “deliberation” outside of a properly posted meeting in violation of the OML. Under the OML, a “deliberation” is any oral or written communication “between or among a quorum of a public body on any public business within its jurisdiction,” but the law contains an exception for the “distribution of a meeting agenda, scheduling information or distribution of other procedural meeting [sic] or the distribution of reports or documents that may be discussed at a meeting, provided that no opinion of a member is expressed.” G.L. c. 30A, § 18.

Because the attached evaluations contained board members’ opinions about the town administrator, they did not fit within the law’s exception for the distribution of reports and documents. It did not matter that the body of the email itself expressed no opinion. Thus, the court ruled that the evaluations could not lawfully be distributed among a quorum of the board members prior to an open meeting.

The court recognized, however, that efficiency often requires members of public bodies to be able to review evaluations in advance. The court suggested that email distribution of evaluations among a quorum is permissible if the evaluations are publicly disclosed at the same time, such as on the town website. That way, members can review the documents in advance without thwarting the OML’s fundamental goal of transparency in government.

This ruling substantially alters the evaluation process conducted by boards of selectmen, school committees, and other governmental bodies. While it appears that members may still submit individual evaluations to the chair, from which the chair may then prepare a composite evaluation, the chair now cannot circulate the evaluations to a quorum in advance of the open session at which the evaluation is discussed without ensuring that the documents are also made publicly available in advance.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this update, or any other questions regarding labor and employment law or school law generally, please contact us.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Supreme Judicial Court Holds That Sick and Vacation Payments are not “Regular Compensation” Under Chapter 32 When Used to Supplement Workers’ Compensation Payments

In a decision released February 13, 2018, the Supreme Judicial Court held that sick or vacation payments, when used to supplement workers’ compensation payments, are not “regular compensation” as defined in the Contributory Retirement Law, G.L. c. 32, § 1.

The decision, Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission v. Contributory Retirement Appeal Board & others, SJC-12331, involved an employee for the Town of Swampscott. The employee sustained injuries at work and began receiving workers’ compensation benefits. In addition to those benefits under G.L. c. 152, § 69, the employee received two hours per week of supplemental pay (i.e., sick or vacation pay) in order to maintain his union membership and life insurance. Under G.L. c. 152, § 69, a public employer may pay an employee who is receiving workers’ compensation all of their accrued vacation and sick time “in part until any sick leave allowance which the employee has to his credit has been used.”

The Town filed an application seeking to retire the employee involuntarily for accidental disability; the Retirement Board approved the application; and the employee received workers compensation benefits and supplemental pay through June 7, 2012. The Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (“PERAC”) determined that the employee’s effective retirement date was July 7, 2012, because that was the last day he received “regular compensation” in the form of his supplemental pay. The Division of Administrative Law Appeals reversed PERAC’s decision, finding that the employee’s supplemental pay did not constitute “regular compensation.” Both the Contributory Retirement Appeal Board and a Superior Court judge agreed with DALA’s decision; an appeal followed; and the SJC took the case on its own motion.

The sole issue before the SJC was whether supplemental pay received in conjunction with workers’ compensation constitutes “regular compensation” under G.L. c. 32, § 1. “Regular compensation” is defined in the statute as “compensation received exclusively as wages by an employee for services performed in the course of employment.” The court has interpreted this to mean ordinary, recurrent, or repeated payments, as opposed to irregular payments such as bonuses or overtime pay. The court concluded that supplemental pay received while an employee can no longer provide employment services for the employer is not “regular compensation” for the following reasons:

  • Regular compensation means wages paid to an employee for “services performed” and an injured employee on workers’ compensation, by definition, is unable to perform services;
  • Regular compensation must be “of indefinite duration,” but sick and vacation time is limited in amount;
  • The workers’ compensation statute implies that supplemental pay is intended to be a “substitute for an employee’s regular salary”; and
  • Workers’ compensation itself is not regular compensation.

Please contact any of our attorneys if you have any questions about how this decision may impact you or if you have any other questions regarding labor and employment matters.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Addresses Truancy Standard Under the Child Requiring Assistance Statute

In a decision released February 6, 2018, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court defined the circumstances in which a child “willfully fails to attend school” pursuant to the Commonwealth’s Child Requiring Assistance (“CRA”) statute, G.L. c. 119, § 21.

The decision, Millis Public Schools v. M.P., SJC-12384, held that a child who “acts purposefully, such that his or her behavior arises from reasons portending delinquent behavior” qualifies as a child willfully failing to attend school under the law.

The Legislature enacted the CRA in 1973 with the intention of diverting children from delinquent behavior while providing nonpunitive care. To accomplish this task, the statute authorizes the Juvenile Court to intervene and potentially alter custody arrangements in cases of children deemed as requiring assistance. The CRA defines a child requiring assistance as one between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) that either: (i) repeatedly runs away from home; (ii) repeatedly fails to obey the lawful commands of their parent or guardian; (iii) is habitually truant; or (iv) is a sexually exploited child. A “habitually truant” child, as the court addressed in this case, is defined as a “school-aged child, not excused from attendance under the lawful and reasonable regulations of such child’s school, who willfully fails to attend school for more than 8 school days in a quarter.” The court must assess the child’s reasons for not attending school to determine whether the child’s absences are “willful.”

In the present case, Millis Public Schools filed a petition seeking to determine a determination that a fifteen (15) year old student, M.P., was a child requiring assistance. M.P. had been diagnosed with several medical, cognitive, and emotional conditions that severely impeded her ability to leave her home and attend school on a regular basis. For the 2016-2017 academic year, M.P.’s parents enrolled her in the school district so she could receive special education services. M.P. did not attend any classes from the beginning of the year through late October, prompting the district to file a CRA petition in November 2016. While the Juvenile Court noted that M.P.’s medical and emotional conditions hindered her ability to attend school, they were still found to be willful “actions taken by the child not to attend school.” M.P. appealed the Juvenile Court’s determination that she was habitually truant, bringing forth to the Supreme Judicial Court the issue of whether she “willfully failed to attend school.”

Looking to the Legislature’s goals in effectuating the CRA, as well as similar statutes in other jurisdictions, the court opined that a willful failure to attend school requires “more than voluntary or intentional conduct…when [the child] acts purposefully…his or her behavior arises from portending delinquent behavior.” The court emphasized that a willfulness inquiry is a fact-based inquiry and that each child’s rationale for truancy must be examined individually. Applying the court’s definition of “willfully” to M.P., the court held the record did not support a finding that M.P. willfully failed to attend school. M.P.’s failure to attend school did not arise from delinquent behavior; rather, she wanted to attend school but stayed home to address her medical and emotional conditions. Additionally, the court reasoned, no potential custodial modifications would have improved M.P.’s attendance record.

The court made a final point that districts should carefully consider the venue in which they bring attendance cases for children with disabilities. In some cases, the Bureau of Special Education Appeals may be more appropriate. Should you have concerns about how this decision impacts you, we advise you to contact us with your questions.

This update is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.